4th Feb Patch Notes

Improvements and Rebalancing

  1. Re-balancing of Long Sword
    Spirit slash(the skill that changes your spirit bar to another tier) animation increased
    Increase the amount of spirits accumulated per hit
    Damage increase for 1st tier and 2nd tier spirit gauge
    Increase the duration of 1st, 2nd and 3rd tier spirit gauge before it drains out
  2. Increase Success rate of awakening weapons and greatly reduce the cost of reactivating awakened weapons
  3. Adjustments to contract system. When entering unstable environment hunts under the contract system, it does not contribute to the daily limit. Also, unstable environment will no longer be triggered under contract system.
  4. Mailbox notification will no longer appear when in hunt
  5. Adjustments to ‘乱步奇面舞会’( A mini game event whereby it’s a 4v4 format and teams have to kill monsters to accumulate points. First to 100 wins. Teams also have items given to distract opponents). It will be available every day from 8pm to 10pm GMT+8
  6. Adjustments to ‘乱步奇面舞会’. At the end of the match, it will now display how much tokens you have won in that match and not the total amount of tokens you currently have.
  7. Adjustments to ratings (which determines your trophy; bronze, silver, gold, platinum) given at the end of hunts. DPS now contributes a higher percentage to hunt ratings.
  8. Improves the effect of Defense Ability +2. Reduce HP loss when parrying attacks.
  9. Cash shop now displays whether items can be purchased by cash (点券) or secondary currency (猎币)
  10. Felyne shops now shows the grade of felyne
  11. Improves the animation when entering gachapon section in cash shop
  12. Improves the display style of HR experience bar 
New Content

1.           Chinese New Year event from 6th Feb to 22th Feb. Players can collect letters to exchange for permanent costumes and felyne costumes
2.           New treasure hunting system. After every hunts, players are able to enter into treasure hunting mode and be rewarded with different monsters drop and consumables
3.           New valentine costume (Only exclusive for this valentine season!)
4.           New cash item package (战力突破礼包)
5.           New cash costume package (上架心羽双枕·S礼包)
6.           New valentine costume package (白色恋人超值礼包)
7.           New Chinese New Year red packets (randomly awarded with 2888, 3888, 5888, 8888, 18888 silver. Limited to 50 per player
8.           New cash headdress
9.           New cash item (火花金猴献端). Can be used as an aid to complete the CNY event easily

Bug fix

1.           Materials needed to craft Tartaronis weapon are now being displayed correctly
2.           Colour of dyed costume are now displayed correctly on character selection screen
3.           Options for selecting either contract system or hunting ticket system no longer disappeared
4.           Monoblos no longer stuck on trees
5.           Unstable environment monsters no longer disappeared out of the maps
6.           Shen Gaoren has minimal chance of getting stuck at area 1
7.           Gunlance side step works normally
8.           Story quest (消灭梅拉露狩猎) has minimal chance of not working as intended (wrong data displayed)
9.           When going for hunts with insufficient hunting tickets, interface works correctly
10.       Players can exit their farms when they are in a party of more than 4
11.       Replies from mail now work correctly when replying to a non VIP player
12.       Purple gypceros no longer appear as unstable environment monster in a purple gypceros hunt
13.       Snowy mountain no longer spawns an overwhelming number of small monsters
14.       Players no longer have display problems when entering cash shop after they login the game immediately
15.       Hammer and hunting horn now causes scar on monsters
16.       Higher rank players can now accept sub quest (高难度考核一)
17.       Rewards now displays correctly when entering mentor hunts with contract system ticked
18.       Weapon costumes’ animation now works properly

19.       Fix a bug whereby system does not respond when accepting party invite using controller
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