Talisman Part 2

Greetings my fellow hunters, this post will be cover the 2nd portion about talisman explaining how it works and how to actually equip it in order to achieve the skill. 

I believed that most of us had reached level 40 and begun on your HR journey. One of the key features that was unlocked when reaching level 40 would be the felyne exploration. Felyne exploration is considered to be super important for each and every one of us because the reward that we get by completing it are bags (varied from 1~3) which gives us talismans. For those who are new to mh, talismans have armour skills in them (at random every time you open the bag) and we are able to equip 1 talisman at any one time. If used correctly, talisman could even unlock one/two more armour skills which you do not have the chance to unlock. (Eg if you have a 8points in attack and are unable to slot in anymore jewels into your armour, a +2 attack talisman is here to save your day! Equipping it allows you to obtain attack up (s)!
There are 5 rarities of talisman starting from the most common to the most rare:
兵士护石= soldier talisman
斗士护石= fighter talisman
骑士护石= knight talisman
女王护石= queen talisman
龙之护石= dragon talisman

You may be wondering what their differences are. The answer is that different rarity has different maximum armour skill points it can reach + every increase in points per enhance on the talisman is different. Below is an attached chart of all the armour skill you can encounter when you open your talisman bag.

The first column of the image will be the armour skills while the 2nd to 6th column are the different rarities of talisman you can get from the bag. At the first row of the image (below the names of the talisman), you can see 技能数量 which means the maximum points you can get for that particular talisman. The numbers below each talisman will be the maximum amount of points you can enhance till for each armour skills (different armour skills have different maximum points). For eg, the first column attack armour skill can reach a maximum points of 3 for soldier talisman and a whooping 10points for dragon talisman (thats a free attack up (s) if you do not even have any points on attack at all!!!)
Some may encounter talisman with an armour skill plus a ??????? below the armour skill. It means that this talisman has an additional hidden armour skill which you have a chance to unlock every time you enhance your talisman (meaning you can unlock it at your first try of enhancing or won’t unlock even at your 100th try, it's all about luck...) Example of additional stats talisman. 

Now you have learnt about talisman, I shall move on to the next burning questions that you guys will have.

Enhancing talisman
I believed that in other mh series, talisman cannot be enhanced and the amount of points is already fixed when you got hold of it. In mho, you are able to enhance your talisman to gain more points.
First, talk to the cat beside the blacksmith and clicked on the 4th option. You will then be brought to the talisman enhancing section. 

Materials needed to enhance the talisman can be obtained by disenchanting unwanted talisman. Talk to the same cat where you enhance the talisman and click on the 3rd option this time round. The higher the rarity, the more dusts (material needed to enhance talisman) you will get. Note: Using soul bound dusts to enhance talisman will turn your talisman from tradeable to soul bound!! Take note when enhancing, especially if you are planning to trade the talisman away.

Further information on talisman
I have used 2 types of talismans (left=dragon, right=queen) as example.

In the dragon talisman, the first skill is razor sharp +3. From the chart above, the maximum points of razor sharp I can obtain from a dragon talisman is +5. Since dragon talisman can have a range of +-2 when enhanced, this dragon is considered as the best talisman for razor sharp (3+2=5) However, if the base points were to be 1, the max I can obtain from enhancing is only 3. This means that, a +1 base stats razor sharp dragon talisman can never be enhanced to a +5 razor sharp dragon talisman. In order to get the max possible stats for razor sharp (5), you will need a +3 or +4 base razor sharp. For the queen’s talisman, I have a base stat of +2 for status attack. From the chart, the max stat for status attack is +4. Queen talisman has a range of +-1/2 when enhanced. Note: According to many players and my experiences, the chance of queen/knight talisman enhancing a variance of 2 is almost zero. Thus, we should always assume that queen/knight talisman range is +-1. This means that the maximum point of the queen talisman will be +3 status attack and minimum point will be +1 status attack.

To add on regarding the hidden stats, it is important to note that if the hidden stats is a negative stats there will not be any variance no matter how many times you enhanced it (iirc). One thing for sure is that if the stats is positive, it still follows the rule of enhancing variance depending on which talisman you are using.

Some of you might also notice the texts (being boxed) in the left image and wonder what are they. In order to activate the skills in talisman, you have to enhance your talisman according to the number shown (for the dragon talisman, you will need 10 enhancement before you can activate the skill razor sharp while you need to enhance 6 times to activate the skill status attack for the queen talisman) The red box shows the total number of times you have enhanced for that particular talisman so that you can keep track of the number of times you have enhanced.

That's all for now, Happy Hunting!!
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  1. again thanks this clears up many of my doubts but i have a question if i have a talisman with 3 points on sharpness +1 that is the max value you can get. but can it enhance further to 5 with help of the cat smith or no?

    1. depends on the type of talisman you are holding. Only dragon and queen talisman are able to +2 from its original amount. Of course queen having a lower % to +2 from its original amount. The other types can only +1. So for example if I have a talisman thunder attack +5, and its neither queen/dragon. The max I can go is +6 but if its queen/dragon I can till +7 ^_^


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  2. it's safe to assume that queen talisman has a variance of +-1. IF you wanna go for +-2, get a dragon talisman, it's way more cost saving. ~JaE

  3. Important to note that the hidden armor skill cannot be changed once unlocked. No matter how many times you enhance it, the second skill will never change, only the first.

  4. If im not wrong, if the hidden armour skill is negative, it cannot be changed. However, if it is positive, it still follows the variance depending on what talisman you are using. (I have tried the positive myself before from +4 resist to +6 resist) ~JaE

    1. But i will add this info in. Thanks for the reminder~
