Level 25, now what?

Greeting my fellow hunters. At this point of time, most of us should be level 25 and above. This guide will aid you further in the new town and help you out just in case you are lost.

[Level 25, a new chapter begins]

Congratulations on levelling to 25! Getting to 25 begins a new chapter reason being the story quests now brings you from Milard Village (starting village) to Mezeporta (new town!!) There are also a few new features unlocked when you reach 25~

I shall briefly introduce the areas in Mezeporta.

I will touch on the new features unlocked in Mezeporta.
Royal hunting ground: Have not unlocked yet, shall update when I have unlocked it.

Jewel Merchant: Ever wondered where to craft skills jewel? Here is the place selling recipes to craft skills jewel. However, there’s only 6 recipes listed in the shop and will refresh a new set at 3am daily(do check them out everyday!). Higher skills jewel can be bought by collecting exchange tickets (obtain from completing quests from the NPC outside the Auction house at level 40)

Luminous Moon Forest: Last location for story quest
Hot air balloon: Tired of walking to and fro from milard village to Mezeporta? You can buy a ticket (costing 1k silver) to instantly travel to either place!

Arena: New features unlocked when you reach 25. There are 10 stages every round and completing all 10 stages within the required time will give you a good amount of silver and stones for exchanging/upgrading necklaces. Limited to 2 times per day
Auction House: Your best trading platform unlocked at level 25. You can trade both materials/items in there and also trade gold for hunting points(same function as cash but with limited features) and vice versa.

Harbor: Place to do felyne exploration quests (level 40 features)

Mentor system

Once you reach level 25, you will realise that the bounty board has an additional tab (登记教官等待匹配). This means that you can register as an acting mentor and hunt with lower level players (random match, random monsters and random location). The great thing about this is that you do not consume any hunting ticket while being a mentor and you get to receive a mentor bag for completing it with the low level players! (Limit to 3 times per day). Below is an attached image of what rewards you get from the mentor bag.

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1 comment:

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